By Trisha Evans-Lutterodt
Tala is the first animated project KTV has ever made, and why it came into existence may be due to the fact that I, an aspiring young director, took a step into the unknown and decided to oversee an animated project. Only Lord knows why I decided to do it, but filmmaking is always a gamble which is what makes it so tantalising. I had the privilege of working with talented people to help bring this project together and with our creativity, we created something that was new territory for the station. Although there were obstacles, we pulled through, and in the final hours, handed in an 18 minutes and 30 seconds animated project made in 7 months. Pretty impressive, but it was all team work, and I can honestly say that I am very proud to show what we have made to the world for the very first time.
-Trisha Evans-Lutterodt