By Richard Meinardus
KTV was my first experience filming with deadlines and with the intention of having people other than myself and a few mates watch the final film, and it has helped me see film under a different light. It takes a little bit more than watching a ton of films and imagination to make a good film, but even-so those traits are great fundamentals to start off with. I got a taste of what its like to work on set, and what drives making a film go forward. It was fun and stressful alike, but having the opportunity to direct my own story under KTV has given me perspective on where I'm at, and set goals on how I can improve my craft. I'm aware that I have some ways to go, but I'm not demotivated in the slightest, more excited actually. Can't wait to see how far I'll get by the end of my university years, and hopefully you'll see some more of my work in the years to come. Thanks again KTV!
-Richard Meinardus